H-346 Aerial


350,021 sq ft (32,518 sq m)

16.0 acres 6.5 hectares

  sq ft sq m
Warehouse 319,045 29,640
Offices 23,788 2,2210
Hub Offices 6,888 640
Security Gatehouse 300 28
Total 350,021 32,518

Property Specification

Car Spaces 315
17 disabled and 16 electric vehicle charging spaces
Trailer Spaces 75
Dock Doors 48
Euro Dock Levellers 8
Level Access Doors 8
Cycle Spaces 80
Motorcycle Spaces 8
Eaves Height 18m
Floor Loading

50 kN/sq m 

Yard Depth


Power Supply

Up to 15MVA

PV to all roofs

Up to 4 MWp, in addition to power supply