Data Centres

Harness the Power of HPARK


HPARK is located in Greater Manchester, which is the most viable secondary data centre and technology hub outside of London. The city is innovative and dynamic and has the support of local and national government.

Greater Manchester ticks all the boxes to drive data centre growth:

Reduced Energy Bils

Resilient Grid Power

HPARK is located in the centre of three DNO 275/132kV Grid Supply Points (GSPs), providing excellent resilience and diversity. Resilient demands of up to 1,000MVA at 132kV are available to be secured through a DNO or IDNO agreement.

An initial 32MVA 33/11kV Primary Substation is planned to be powered on in mid-2026, and is located next to HPARK – providing an initial tranche of power to enable the first data centre buildings to come online.

Reduced Energy Bils

Diverse Fibre Connections

HPARK is well placed to connect to numerous established public and private fibre networks which offer dark fibre, wavelength and ethernet services, providing connectivity to Manchester metro services, and long haul networks to Dublin, London, Europe and rest of the World.

With a 1.5km perimeter boundary connecting onto the adopted Link Road, HPARK has the potential to enable multiple entry points, to provide diverse fibre routing.

Reduced Energy Bils

Planning in Place

HPARK has an outline planning approval for up to 1,888,556 sq ft (175,452 sq m) of B8 employment space.

The Local Authority actively supports a data centre use at HPARK, and have confirmed the existing B8 outline approval is acceptable to cover this end use.

Building heights up to 23m are approved, enabling data halls to be stacked to improve the efficiency of the site. Increased heights beyond 23m can be achieved if required.


Growing economy


Resilient infrastructure


Leading talent


Emerging tech industry


Sustainable vision

HPARK Data Centre Campus Key Stats

Reduced Energy Bils


100+ MW

Reduced Energy Bils



Reduced Energy Bils


1,888,556 SQ FT

Resilient Power, Energising Tomorrow

Dataroom Location


Prime Location

HPARK is located between three National Grid to DNO Grid Supply Points (GSPs)


(Primary connection)

Rochdale GSP is a 275/132kV substation comprising four SGTs. The main GSP supplies approximately 155,000 customers across east Lancashire.


(Secondary connection)

Whitegate GSP is a 275/132kV substation which supplies approximately 179,000 customers across the north Peak and north Manchester region.


(Tertiary connection)

Kearsley GSP is a 275/132kV substation which supplies approximately 322,000 customers across south Lancashire and north Manchester.

Strategic Power Arrangement

HPARK is located in the centre of three DNO 275/132kV Grid Supply Points (GSPs), providing the highest levels of resilience and diversity to ensure optimum uptime and robust power connections to your data centre.

An initial 32MVA 33/11kV Primary Substation is planned to be powered on in mid-2026, and is located next to HPARK, to provide an immediate power connection.

Resilient demands up to 1,000MVA at 132kV are available to be secured through the DNO or an IDNO agreement.

Up to 500MVA at 132kV is available within approximately 24 months from order, including resilient connections and diverse routing.

A further 500MVA at 132kV is available thereafter to deliver a total of 1,000MVA to the site.

Greater Manchester has 99.995% power reliability, the best in the UK of all 14 national distributors

Power Station

Renewable Power Sources

Power can be boosted by using solar and stored to be used at the exact moment that its required.

The benefits include:

Reduced Energy Bils

Reduced Energy Bills

Increasing solar panel use and battery storage, can reduce your monthly energy bills by up to 80%

Reduced Energy Bils

Better For The Planet

You’ll be doing your bit for the environment by increasing your use of solar panels

Reduced Energy Bils

Reduce Grid Reliance

Become more energy independent by generating your own energy

Sustainable Grid Mix

Zero-carbon power sources in Britain’s electricity mix outperformed fossil fuel generation in 2023 by providing 51% of electricity used. In January 2023 87.6% of Britain’s power was from renewable sources. December 2023 was the 15th month in a row where zero-carbon generation outperformed fossil fuel generation.

Robust Power Infrastructure

With three GSPs surrounding HPARK, there’s plenty of diverse power available to run your business successfully, with no interruptions.

With HPARK offering flexibility of size, specification and site location, a mix of power sources can be applied. GSPs and renewable energy sources, such as solar, can be used to optimise the power that you require.