A thriving regional workforce

70% Economically Active Icon

70% Economically Active
70% of local population
employed or seeking
employment (NOMIS)

£437.50 Gross Weekly Pay Icon

£437.50 Gross Weekly Pay
Average wages in Rochdale
are 16% lower than the North
West average

Employment By Sector Icon

Employment By Sector
Of local population, 8.7% employed
in Distribution & Storage and 14.5%
in Manufacturing

H-Park Local Map

Heywood Population
Over 28,200 (Census 2011)

Rochdale Population
Over 223,800 (Census 2021)
North West Population
7,367,500 (Nomis 2020)
60 Minute Drive Time Population

Rochdale annual salary (£29,200) is
16% lower than NW average and
24% lower than UK average (ONS 2021)

HPARK labour supply
within 60 minutes

North West Working Age
Population in Employment
4,572,900 (Nomis 2020)

North West Economically
Active Population
3,577,000 (Nomis 2020)